PowerPoint worksheets for students are invaluable tools for enhancing their presentation skills and digital literacy. These worksheets typically contain questions, tasks, or prompts to engage students in critical thinking, creativity, and effective communication. By working through these worksheets, students can learn to craft visually appealing slides, structure their content logically, and deliver compelling presentations. Moreover, these exercises encourage students to explore various PowerPoint features, such as animations, transitions, and multimedia integration, equipping them with the skills needed to excel in academic and professional settings.

187 Results
PowerPoint: Presentation with Audio: I Like Fruit (primary)

PowerPoint / PowerPoint Presentations with Audio

Media Type PPTX

PowerPoint: Math: Quiz Show – Multiplication

PowerPoint / PowerPoint: Math

Media Type PPTX

PowerPoint: Presentation with Audio: Composting is Fun!

PowerPoint / Think Green, Teach Green

Media Type PPT

Identify U.S. Money (ESL) PowerPoint Interactive

PowerPoint / PowerPoint Interactive Files

Media Type PPT

PowerPoint: Instructions: How to View Presentations

PowerPoint / PowerPoint Templates

Media Type PDF

PowerPoint Presentation: Bees (elem/upper elem)

PowerPoint / PowerPoint: Science

Media Type PPT

French: PowerPoint Interactive– Reconstruire une maison et un jardin

PowerPoint / PowerPoint Interactive: Languages

Media Type PPT